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Efter 3 gode års samarbejde med Henrik, kan jeg sige at det bare er mega godt og lærerigt. Hovedet og det mentale er på plads for mig. Jeg er blevet undervist i alt og intet føler jeg.Det er min anbefaling at starte når man er i Danmark, så det nemmere når man står på egne ben i udlandet.




Sports psychology is for all athletes, regardless of level, age, gender or profession. Musician, sportsman, e-sportsman, salesman or comedian. What we have in common is that we all want to perform at our best.

With a sports psychology consultant and mental training you learn to deal with pressure, fear and nervousness. You learn to perform at your peak, even if you have negative thoughts, low self-confidence and experience disturbances.

If you want to be the best, you must overcome your internal and external opponents. Mentalizing helps you understand your mental stages and how they affect you.

See here what the athletes say about their mental training process.

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Kasper Junker

Urawa Red Diamonds

"As a professional footballer, you must have someone to turn things around with. For me, this is both when things are going well, but also when things are not going so well. If you, as a player, are sitting on the bench, injured or not performing, then you have to find someone way to progress quickly. For the past several years, I have used Henrik for that. When things are going well on the pitch, it is also nice to be able to target the future with someone, so I have something to work towards."

cecilie moe weinreich

Cecilie Moe Weinreich

Kayak polo player, Rothe Mühle Essen

"I have always wanted to be the best in my sport, and even though I was only a child, I fought purposefully in training to win the individual duel in front of me. It was that fighting spirit that paved the way for my 16-year career so far in kayak polo. But it also gave me a temper when things didn't go my way. I've yelled and screamed at players, umpires, and even left the field once. My brain made me a worse player at times, and that made me realize that the many hours of physical training would never be able to optimize my performance to the full. That is why I chose to work with Henrik, and I have already developed both as a player and as a person. I am fully convinced that you can't become the best version of yourself without also training the mind."

Tobias Mølgaard

Tobias Molgaard

Vejle Boldclub

"In a world where things often go really fast, it's nice to have someone you can help withshare all one's thoughts, frustrations, etcsucceeds with. During our conversations, I feel that I become wiser about myself when I get to put into words what things I experience on the field and how they affect me. I have gained a lot of good mental tools that I use every single day on the football pitch."

bastian blaafalk

Bastian Blaafalk 

Alpine skier

"After a long period with many ups and downs, I finally found Henrik. Mega talented and skilled mental coach, I can really feel how his guidance and advice helped me enormously, in the way of the WC and Junior WC this year. Huge Huge thank you Henrik, Can definitely recommend and seek help from here!!"


The Mental Head Start podcast giving the performer a mental edge for their important performance.

The purpose is to put a spotlight on the sports psychology challenges that athletes experience when they have to perform and to provide a number of mental tools that the listener can use in their sport.

You will find the podcast on Spotify, iTunes (podcast) and SoundCloud.

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BOOK (in danish) 

The book Kampen Mellem Linjerne takes you through all the mental areas that every practitioner experiences in their performance or career. At 9 out of 13 chapters, you get exercises,that allows you to train yourself mentally stronger and better, simply by reading and practicing the book's messages, exercises and tools. The exercise sections are colored so that you can use the book as a reference work at any time for the exact mental challenge the practitioner is experiencing.


The match Between the Lines is written from the perspective of a football player with references from the football field and the football world, butthe content of the book can be used in all sports and even outside the world of sports.

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Mental training book

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